How bright and beautiful are all the fall leaves? It seems like overnight the colors exploded on the trees! Equally beautiful are the furniture and accessories on display all over the city. And pretty soon, Christmas season will be upon us! Can you believe the stores are already getting decorations out to sell?
So, I went hunting for fall inspiration this week and here is what I found:
Love, love, love this chair at Niche downtown as well as the red vases. The background color of the store works so well with these deep earth tones!
You don’t have to go much further than your backyard or local farmer’s market for color inspiration. Here is a beautiful tree and my pumpkin display before I paint my designspeak logos on them.
I taught the monthly decorating class at Pottery Barn this weekend and I was enamored with these cute little acorn salad bowls. The glazing is nice and rich and the scale is adorable with everyday white dinner plates! Also, the red leaves pair so nicely with red wine which is indicative of the season as well.