If you are like me, you’ve become accustomed to a certain amount of “bling” in your life. From sparkly cocktail rings to sequined pumps, the dazzling effect gets us through the dreary winter days. As is the cycle with fashion and design, this has spawned the return of a pre-depression era design trend. Glamour and luxurious goods were mainstays of the post-war 20’s both in fashion and homes. This time around, we are opting for glamour with a modern twist. This is such a beautiful design style and done right can look timeless, not trendy. I could talk for hours but I will entice you with a few photos instead!
1. Texture: First and foremost to achieve modern glamour, you have to pay attention to textures. Luxurious velvets, satin, silk, fur all play an important role in evoking the glamourous feeling. However, be sure you are balancing these appropriately. You wouldn’t go out dressed head to toe in satin and sequins…well maybe you would but only on New Year’s Eve!

Notice the warmth of the floors compared to all the velvet, satin and gilded textures in this room from Traditional Home.
2. Pattern & Contrast: Bold patterns can contrast off solid pieces to add interest. You can also use intense color accents or the combination of black and white which is always pleasing and equally dramatic.

Here is a bathroom from House Beautiful which demonstrates this contrast nicely; also note the metallic square pouf!
3. Sparkle: A lady needs plenty of mirrors to reflect her best self! Glamour wouldn’t exist without reflective surfaces, shiny objects and shimmery fabrics. Pick wisely, know when to say when. It is often advised to eliminate one piece of jewelry before leaving the house. Use this as a guide when adding “bling” in your home.

This photo from a design blog is a great example of the appropriate amount of sparkle; keep your focus on one main element and you can’t go wrong.
4. Balance: Glamour begs for over the top tufting, ruffles, curves and modern prefers sleek lines, understated textures. Keeping them in balance will ensure a timeless look to your space.

The different lines and textures complement each other in this photo from Horchow.
5. Expect the unexpected: Make sure you are incorporating interesting elements throughout the space. Use white patent leather on a traditional wing chair, add in a pop of bold color or show off your collections of diamond studded skulls. Whatever makes you happy and defies convention is sure to be a conversation starter.

This image from Les Choses de Marie illustrates my point.
6. Final touches: Indulge in your fantasy of lounging in a beautiful robe while your husband mixes you the perfect dry martini. Include a chaise lounge and/or a mobile bar to remind yourself to relax and enjoy life even as chaos surrounds you…maybe this is just my fantasy!

This sleek yet comfortable chaise lounge from Williams Sonoma Home fits the bill perfectly!
Previously written by Kimberly for St. Louis AT HOME’s website. View the post here. To see more of Kimberly’s work, visit her residential design website here.

Love it all!