What inspires creative professionals tends to expose itself in our work. We gather images in our memory, which emerge when we are creating. This collection of inspiring moments happens over our entire lifetimes. We constantly add to our bank of images while traveling, shopping, walking through our cities and parks, and while commuting to work.
Inspiration is endless. All we have to do is be open and attune to our surroundings. Taking time to “take in” where we are, what we are doing, and what is all around us. In our busy lives, this can prove to be harder to do than one may think.
This brings me to ask the question…what inspires you? What types of shapes, patterns, colors, textures, smells, appeal to you? I would like to propose a challenge. For one week, carry a journal of some sort with you and document your inspirations. This can be from the smallest spark of intrigue to an overwhelming attraction. This will truly become a journal of insight and self-realization upon review at the end of the week. It may even become a part of daily practice, not to mention, a worthwhile activity for igniting new ideas and creativity in our daily lives & careers as creative professionals.
I encourage anyone who takes part in this challenge to post comments and thoughts regarding their experiences. It will be fun to see what types of images are inspiring to others. In fact, it may even be a way to find new inspiration for ourselves.

Nice Mandi! I am inspired now…will try it out and post my INSPIRATIONS!