Nearly seven years ago I met Nathan Sprehe, a free-lance graphic designer at the time, over breakfast and sketches to discuss our company’s brand and identity. As a company that had yet to get its business license, Integration Controls was nothing but a concept at the time. I left the meeting thinking, “There’s no way he got anything valuable from that conversation”…
Little did I know that all of our buzz words, concepts, hand gestures and napkin doodles inspired Nathan in a way that translated into graphics and company identity. From our first round of logo designs, to a completed brochure – and beyond – Nathan provided a great foundation for our company’s image.
As a proprietor of Almanac, Nathan brings to the table a wealth of real-world experience blended with a passion for great design and architecture. His easy demeanor and probing questions make him easy to chat with while he figures out how to best create a company’s image. I’m proud to know him and eager to pick his brain for our first leaderspeak event.
Leaderspeak is an event for industry professionals on 11.9.11 and will be held at Global Total Office. Click here to view the invite.