Tom Niemeier has worked on basically all the sides of the table in the design and construction process, from that of architect, to client, to contractor. During that time, he has evolved a three pronged approach to marketing and branding.
First; it starts from within. The design Team must understand, believe in, and practice the core philosophy of the company. Hire correctly. Let your team contribute throughout and see the project all the way through. Do quality work and let it speak for itself.
Second; relationships. Stay in touch with your clients after working so hard to create something special with them. Do this casually, and keep it fun and down to earth.
Third; name recognition. “Hit ’em from all sides.” Do good work and promote it. Win awards and announce it. Get to know the print media and get published. And social media is particularly special as “architects have the ability to do really interesting tweets”. But no matter what, keep it casual, real, and approachable. And hopefully when the time comes and somebody is looking for an architect, your name is the one that comes to mind first.
Click the link below to get a glimpse of the SPACE experience.
Note: Tom was recently featured in St. Louis Magazine. Click here for the article.
Leaderspeak is an event for industry professionals on 11.9.11 and will be held at Global Total Office. Click here to view the invite.