Every year, between November and January, there are many aesthetics that come to mind. For some, it is the colors red and green, for others a well decorated tree, but probably the most powerful thing is the presence of light. A certain romantic atmosphere of twinkling lights that appeal more to our hearts rather than our critical minds.
In looking at different displays, I was inspired by some creative ones such as this north pole scene in Japan featured below.
It is a time of year when everybody is designer, carefully conscious of whether their exterior lighting expresses the things they wish to experience this season: beauty, joy, and peace. But even though one house may be decorated more sensibly than another, you still have to admit that it is the collective displaying of lights that is essential to producing a truly magical effect.
It occurred to me that holiday lighting is the single most symbolic expression of unity during the holiday season. So as we wrap up 2011 and head into the new year, let us remember to continue appreciating light the way we do around the holidays. Let us become inspired to guide it, filter it, and produce it in ways that are meaningful to us.