…the Bug Store!
If you’ve ever went into a retailer’s and felt a little bit overwhelmed by all of the merchandise there, this place certainly gives the same feeling – but – in my book, that’s a good thing.

With things for outside of your home, inside your home, and anywhere in between,
you’ll have more than a thing or two to fill up your arms with goodies.
You can choose from a small handful of every day items, or an even
bigger handful of those fun “unusual” items.

Don’t forget – there’s always a great clearance sale going on on the upper level of the store!
There’s more than one level you ask? Why yes – there’s the first level, a higher platform (still on same level),
a second level, and a lower platform (still on second level). Their store layout is just as interesting as the items they sell!
I think I shall let the pictures speak for themselves. Enjoy!
Hopefully, you’ve found an exciting new place to feast your eyes on as well. : )
See ya next time!

Located in historic Kirkwood, it’s not too far from other exciting venues.
Take a day to explore and have fun! I’m sure you’ll find even more than I did (if that’s possible). ; )
Bug Store
(314) 966-2287
113 W Argonne Dr
Kirkwood, MO 63122