questions from a young architect by nicholas kreitler

There is something I mentioned in a previous post and I wanted to come back to the topic of urban sprawl…. We have all heard it and are increasingly aware of the problem we face. Gas continues to go up in price and I believe that we should see the density start to rise again […]
leaderspeak: is your check engine light on? by nicholas kreitler

Have you ever been driving down the road and all of a sudden a little sport car goes flying past you? I started thinking about that car the other day after I was wrapping up a day in the office. I was picturing that car cruising along, oblivious to the fact that it was blowing […]
great clients = great projects by derek maschek

As I get ready to do something I’ve never done before (to “blog”), I’ve been pondering what exactly I will be talking about. Let’s face it, blogging is just editorializing, talking about stuff that could be anything from pure opinion to well researched short topics. It’s conversational, topical, ideally informative, and preferably entertaining. One topic […]
Part 1: “Designing Small is Designing Smart” by Derek Maschek

Welcome to the most important part of the design process and woe to those that try and cut this corner altogether, or fail to go through it properly. Believe me, there are those that try, and all regret it without exception. So pay attention and listen up! Ready? Here it is… Programming. Sounds technical, and […]
Intro to “Designing Small is Designing Smart” by Derek Maschek

Smarter and Smaller Houses, an Introduction to Design Last year, Merriam-Webster voted “austerity” the apparently coveted status of Word of the Year. The negativity around the term can be seen in the riots of Greece and Spain and Great Britain. The word “austere” includes definitions such as “stern and cold in appearance”, “markedly simple or […]