diy headboard wall – part 2 by andrea beckman

At last….I’ve finally completed my ‘headboard wall’! If you have not checked out my first post diy upholstered headboard – part 1, I started this project over two months ago and it has been on my ‘to-do’ list for about seven! None the less it’s finally complete and I’m happy to say it turned out […]
Style Defined: Modern Glamour by Kimberly Reuther

If you are like me, you’ve become accustomed to a certain amount of “bling” in your life. From sparkly cocktail rings to sequined pumps, the dazzling effect gets us through the dreary winter days. As is the cycle with fashion and design, this has spawned the return of a pre-depression era design trend. Glamour and […]
Tips on Achieving Balance by Kimberly Reuther

Who doesn’t need more balance in their lives? We are all seeking the right combination of work and life, income and expenses, needs versus wants. In design, we are striving for a balance of scale, proportion, and textures in the rooms we create. In addition, there is an increasing desire to balance aesthetic appeal with […]
“Gray’s Anatomy” by Kimberly Reuther

Gray is a significant neutral color that often gets overlooked in favor of the more dramatic black or the happier camel shades. However, this year, gray is the belle of the ball. It is enjoying a resurgence in fashion, home design and luxury style. So, what makes gray such a fabulous color and how do […]
Think Big! Using Accent Colors in Your Home by Kimberly Reuther

So, you love to wear that blue sweater and it really makes your eyes sparkle. You always get lots of compliments and basically deep blue is your favorite color. How do you incorporate that into your decorating scheme? Bold accent colors are not for the faint of heart! For those of you that love color, […]
Think Big: Using Accent Colors in Your Home – Kimberly Reuther

So, you love to wear that blue sweater and it really makes your eyes sparkle. You always get lots of compliments and basically deep blue is your favorite color. How do you incorporate that into your decorating scheme? Bold accent colors are not for the faint of heart! For those of you that love color, […]