careerspeak: how to sell YOU! by Kimberly Reuther

I know we keep discussing the bad economy but in reality, it is a shifted economy that we now live in. As with the weather patterns, the rules of business have changed and will change again in the future. The one thing that remains constant is the need to “sell” yourself to potential employers, clients, […]
LeaderSpeak: Marketing & Branding

November was another great month for DesignSpeak, as we launched a new discussion series for design professionals, LeaderSpeak! We plan to hold these every other month with rotating speakers and topics. Our first topic on Marketing & Branding was a great success! We were very fortunate to have such talented people for our first panelist […]
meet our panelist: tom niemeier

Tom Niemeier has worked on basically all the sides of the table in the design and construction process, from that of architect, to client, to contractor. During that time, he has evolved a three pronged approach to marketing and branding. First; it starts from within. The design Team must understand, believe in, and practice the core philosophy of the company. […]
meet our panelist: Araceli Kopiloff-Zimmer

In the few years since Rue Lafayette opened, Araceli has successfully marketed her cafe/boutique as a little slice of Paris in the Midwest. Yummy treats, a relaxed atmosphere and vintage French touches keep you coming back for more of the “joie de vivre.” To do this she combines modern day technology with old fashioned […]
meet our panelist: Nathan Sprehe

Nearly seven years ago I met Nathan Sprehe, a free-lance graphic designer at the time, over breakfast and sketches to discuss our company’s brand and identity. As a company that had yet to get its business license, Integration Controls was nothing but a concept at the time. I left the meeting thinking, “There’s no way […]