Color Scheme 101: When to Select Paint Colors by Kimberly Reuther

One of the first thing most of my clients ask for is help in selecting paint colors for their home. As anyone who has painted the same room several times over can attest, finding the right color is tricky! It makes sense to call in a professional and we’re happy to jump in! However, choosing […]
Inspiration to Design: Orchid Flower by Victoria Dreste

Bountiful color is all around us. I have a new favorite color at least once a week. Taking these glorious colors and using them in your home can be a bit tricky. I have put together inspirations and designs to show how to take the wonderful color you see in the world around you and […]
Inspiration to Design: Hibiscus Flower by Victoria Dreste

Bountiful color is all around us. I have a new favorite color at least once a week. Taking these glorious colors and using them in your home can be a bit tricky. I have put together inspirations and designs to show how to take the wonderful color you see in the world around you and […]