did you bloom with color?

I apologize I am just getting around to posting recaps of some of our amazing events this spring/summer! Here are highlights from our appreciation event for designers this past May… I first have to extend a HUGE thank you to all who participated in our outstanding colorbloom event!!! Our first collaboration with Sherwin Williams was […]
Inspiration to Design: Hibiscus Flower by Victoria Dreste

Bountiful color is all around us. I have a new favorite color at least once a week. Taking these glorious colors and using them in your home can be a bit tricky. I have put together inspirations and designs to show how to take the wonderful color you see in the world around you and […]
Think Big! Using Accent Colors in Your Home by Kimberly Reuther

So, you love to wear that blue sweater and it really makes your eyes sparkle. You always get lots of compliments and basically deep blue is your favorite color. How do you incorporate that into your decorating scheme? Bold accent colors are not for the faint of heart! For those of you that love color, […]
Think Big: Using Accent Colors in Your Home – Kimberly Reuther

So, you love to wear that blue sweater and it really makes your eyes sparkle. You always get lots of compliments and basically deep blue is your favorite color. How do you incorporate that into your decorating scheme? Bold accent colors are not for the faint of heart! For those of you that love color, […]